Friday, October 16, 2015


This stuff is AMAZING!!! Art Naturals Dead Sea Mud Mask REALLY gets the impurities out of your pores! It leaves your skin feeling smooth and moisturized feeling. Does NOT dry your face! I LOVE IT!! I just apply a layer over my face and leave on for 20 minutes. The mask stays damp, does not dry like your cheap versions. There's no odor or fumes burning your eyes. It's wonderful! After 20 minutes, I use warm water, washing my face in a circular motion as I am rinsing off, and pat dry. My face is smooth, pores are cleaner, and I even have a glow. My chin always has clogged pores from my make-up and is oilier than the rest of my face. But after the mask, I can see that it actually had pulled out the gunk. I use it once a week, and have noticed clearer, smaller pores and a healthier glow. I have received this product at a discount for my review, but my opinions are my own.

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